Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Swarovski Crystal and Pearl Bracelet

4mm Swarovski Crystals
4mm Swarovski Pearls
Size 15/0 Seed Beads
Rondelle or Other Clasp
8lb Fireline or Power Pro (2 yards)
Size 10 Beading Needle

Step 1: String on one crystal, one 15/0, one pearl, one 15/0,  one crystal, one 15/0, one pearl, and one 15/0, go back through all of these beads once, forming a circle (leave 12" tail to attach clasp). Pass through the first crystal and 15/0 strung again, your result should look like this:

Step 2: String seven 15/0s and pass through
the next 15/0, crystal and 15/0:

Step 3: String seven 15/0s and pass through the next 15/0, crystal, 15/0, pearl, 15/0, and crystal:
Step 4: String on one 15/0, one pearl, one 15/0, one crystal, one 15/0, one pearl, one 15/0, and pass back through the crystal you are exiting:
Step 5: Pass through the next 15/0 and string on seven 15/0s and pass through the next 15/0, crystal, and 15/0:
Step 6: String on seven 15/0s and pass through the next 15/0, crystal, 15/0, pearl, 15/0, and crystal:

Repeat Steps 4 through 6 to the desired length.
Finishing: Exiting the end crystal, string on five 15/0s, rondelle, and three 15/0s, pass back down through the rondelle and one 15/0. String four 15/0s and pass back through crystal. To strengthen clasp weave back through the beads at the end of the bracelet, and the clasp beads two more times. Tie off your thread using a series of three half-hitch knots between different sets of beads.

Loop: String on approximately thirty 15/0s, and pass back through the fifth bead just strung; string four 15/0s and pass back through crystal.
To peyote loop: Pass through two 15/0s after coming out of crystal, string one 15/0, skip the next 15/0 and pass through the next three 15/0s:
String one 15/0, skip the next 15/0 on loop and pass through the next 15/0. Continue adding beads in this manner.
You may add more beads, tightening the loop like so: Exiting the first "up bead" on peyote loop, string two 15/0s and pass through the next up bead:
String either one or two 15/0s to fill in each space between up beads. Strengthen loop by weaving back through the beads at the end of the bracelet and the loop one or two more times. Tie off your thread using a series of three half-hitch knots between different sets of beads.

Please post photos of your color schemes and any variations you make! Have fun and be creative! 

Happy Beading!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys! If you have trouble uploading a file because it is "too large" (I guess our cameras are good!), I found you can easily resize it (because I am inept in such techie areas), by going to! It's sooo easy!

    1. Scroll down and click on "browse", locate your photo.

    2. Click on "resize" (I just use default settings, I feel they know better than I do! What's a pixel?).

    3. Moments later you can click on "download this picture now" which will appear above your photo!

    4. Check "save file", it will download and be in your downloads folder (at least mine is!).

    5. Now you can upload it to this site (really, it takes less than a minute! Unless you have dial up . . .).

